The Done-For-You Lead Generation Model

Hey email marketers! Does this sound right to you?

A client hires a lead generation agency to bring them new customers.

They give the agency $3000 and the agency uses it to produce leads.

They spend $1,000 on software cold email lists, pay you $1,000 to do everything else, and then pocket $1,000. That’s fair, they did all the sales and managed the project.

Now for $1,000 you wrote a killer email sequence. In fact, it brought in $30K for the client for a legendary 10X return.

So what happens? The client buys more leads.

They turn around and drop the whole $30K on the agency and and say “do it again.”

So what does the agency owner do?

He spends $15K on more data and pockets the rest. Your marketing machine already works, so why change it? You’re fired.

Herein lies the problem. You don’t own your work so you don’t earn the value you’re creating.

Okay… so much how harder is it to own your work? How much needs to change?

It turns out that you only have to change one part of your sales process and add about 15 minutes to your workload to own the lead generation engine and pocket the profits when your emails converts and the client buys again.

And I’ll tell you how!
First, you need to closely examine exactly how your customer realizes their value from the purchase. They don’t care if they have an email marketing engine – they want customers!

Which means once they have the marketing engine that produces the customers, they don’t want to pay you to keep creating it.

But if what you are selling them IS customers, then they will come back and buy all day long. Bigger and bigger each time.

And this is where the lead generation company makes their money. Because do you know how much time it takes for them to find another couple thousand leads and put them into the cold email campaigns you so carefully crafted?

Seconds. It takes seconds. And they pocket a pretty penny for it.


Because they own the marketing engine. They didn’t sell THAT to the customer.

So… What is this marketing engine? What’s the difference between owning it and setting it up?

First – the engine. It’s really just three tools – Lead-Engines,, and Zapier. They work together to build prospect lists, send personalized outreach email, process responses, and send the interested leads directly to your client’s CRM.

The Cold Email Lead Generation Engine that Never Runs Out of Leads
Owning it is as simple as controlling the accounts that the marketing engine is created on and not signing over the ownership rights. In other words, the deal you’re negotiating with the client isn’t that you will charge them to build the engine, but what you will charge them to run it.
That way if it works, they come back month after month and pay you to run it again.
But if the campaigns are already working and the client just wants them to keep running, you don’t have to change anything. You just have to buy more data – Lead-Engines even takes care of finding the prospects, cleaning the data, and adding it to the campaigns. You just have to not shut it off!