Learn How A HR Consultancy Business Was Built With Nothing but Email

Learn How A HR Consultancy Business Was Built With Nothing but Email

Launching Professional Business Solutions, LLC: A HR Consulting Firm

Our story begins with a r/forhire ad and a phone conversation on a sleepy Sunday afternoon out in Yoakum, Texas. When I first spoke with Norm he told me that he couldn’t start his personal consulting business because 
  1. He didn’t know how to generate lead AKA LEADS
  2. He didn’t know who to even sell his services to AKA CUSTOMERS
before that conversation, he had been in HR/Payroll for longer than I had been alive (25yrs at that point). He had all the experience in the world but he was missing a few critical pieces that Lead-Engines was able to help out with.
Within a week or so we had hashed out who his ideal client would be, businesses in need of HR/Payroll assistance then began the challenge of writing good copy. It took a few days of back and forth with Norm however it was totally worth it. Using Lead Engines we directly targeted his exact audience and the results speak for themselves.

Within a week of running his campaign, he had set 6 meetings two of which happened in the first 24hrs. Using Lead Engines Norm met with an owner of multiple franchises, a few referral partners and a group who would send their overflow work directly to him. It is not out of line to say we built him a 6 figure pipeline in a week.

If you are interested in doing the same setup a time to speak w/Ryan Matonis Founder and CEO of Lead Engines.